Tropical seasonal rain forest in Xishuangbanna is one of the most species-rich forest ecosystems in China. This area is also one of the biodiversity hotspot for conservation priorities of the world. For the purpose of monitoring long-term ecological dynamics of the forest, a 20 ha plot was established in a Parashorea chinensis (formerly, Parashorea wantianshuea) dominated forest in 2007. A total of 95498 free-standing stems with DBH ³ 1 cm were recorded in the 20 ha plot, which included 468 species belonging to 213 genera and 70 families, except for 336 individuals remained unidentified.
The first plot recensus was finished in 2012, and the second recensus was conducted in 2017.
Principal Investigator: Cao Min, Professor of Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, CAS. His research focuses on tropical forest biodiversity, tropical vegetation and forest dynamics, soil seed bank ecology etc.
Research Team: Deng Xiaobao, Lin Luxiang, Hu Yuehua, Yang Jie, Sun Zhenhua, Akihiro Nakamura, Li Qiaoming, Li Yuwu, Yang Xiaofei, Deng Yun, Zhang Wenfu and Dong Jinlong.
Longitude: 101.574000000000