Reference Materials
1. ForestGEO Database Handbook: Our most comprehensive reference guide on all-things-database. The Handbook provides step-by-step instructions for data managers working from paper records, working with electronic records, on first censuses, and on re-censuses.
2. FAQs for ctfsweb Data Entry: A selection of questions and answers on specific technical aspects of working with ctfsweb.
3. Installation Guide: This stand-alone guide is rich in screenshots to walk data managers through the process of a) creating a MySQL database (Have a mac? Use these instructions to set up your MySQL database.) and b) installing ctfsweb. Comprehensive textual instructions can also be found in the ForestGEO Database Handbook.
Need Help? Ask!
- ForestGEO Temperate sites > Jess Shue, Biological Science Technician:
- ForestGEO sites in Asia > Shameema Esufali, Database Manager:
- All other sites > Suzanne Lao, Database Manager: