The Amacayacu site is located at the Amacayacu National Natural Park, Colombian Amazonia. The site was established on Tertiary sedimentary plains (Pebas Formation), characterized by a hilly and moderated dissected topography.
As of December 2022, the state of advance in the establishment of the plot is as follows:
- Three full censuses completed (currently identifying recruits of the third census)
- Soil fertility data
- Topographic survey
- Climate data
- Drone-derived canopy orthomosaics (2013 and 2019)
- Soil moisture probes
- Primary productivity data for 16 months (litterfall traps)
- Functional traits (whole-tree, branch, leaf, stomata, fruits, wood anatomy)
- Annual mortality and damage censuses
- Wood decomposition
- Seedling plots
- Phenology
- Several other studies are in process (e.g., metabolomics)
Ecological Zone:
Tropical rainforest
Number of species:
1,234Number of stems:
123,487Number of Trees:
116,686Number of plot(s):
500 x 500
Longitude: -70.267800000000
Number of Censuses: