Code of Conduct for Participation in the ForestGEO Network
The global ForestGEO network aims to advance the science and scientific capacity for the study of forests around the world. ForestGEO does this by long-term data collection at 78 forest dynamics sites in 28 countries, and training scientists through fellowships, internships, grants, and workshops.
ForestGEO aims to foster an environment of collaborative research, data sharing, and mutual respect for all participants in the network. Participants include students, researchers, field technicians, principal investigators, workshop participants, and all others who take part in ForestGEO research, data collection and analysis, training, or other activities.
All ForestGEO network participants are expected to abide by this Code of Conduct during any activities in which they are associated with ForestGEO. In addition, participants must comply with any additional requirements set forth by the research site or host institution at which a participant may conduct research in connection with the ForestGEO network.
Unacceptable behavior includes:
- Harassment and intimidation, including any verbal, written, or physical conduct designed to threaten, intimidate, or coerce another participant
- Inappropriate physical contact or unwanted sexual attention
- Discrimination based on gender or gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, race, color, religion, or nationality
- Retaliation against a participant for making a complaint of inappropriate conduct
Actions that violate this Code of Conduct or site-specific rules may be subject to disciplinary action, including but not limited to verbal warnings, dismissal from network events or activities, and termination of any affiliation and all privileges between a participant and the ForestGEO network.
If you wish to report an incident that is in violation of this code of conduct please follow these guidelines:
If the incident is connected to the Smithsonian, reach out the SI Civil Program to report the incident. This includes the following situations:
- The incident occurs at a Smithsonian-operated ForestGEO site (SCBI, SERC, BCI)
- The subject of the complaint is an SI employee or affiliated individual
- You are a SI employee or affiliated individual
The SI Civil program is a resource to report threats of violence, incidents of intimidation, or harassment, and get information about appropriate next steps. The SI Civil policies and reporting procedures only cover Smithsonian employees and affiliated individuals while in the workplace or in any work-related situation.
If an incident occurs at a ForestGEO site that is run by a partner institution, and that incident does not involve a Smithsonian employee/affiliated individual, please contact that partner institution. Additionally, you can contact your own employer and/or the subject’s employer. Participants may also contact ForestGEO Director, Stuart Davies or ForestGEO Program Manager, Lauren Krizel.
Code of Conduct at ForestGEO Workshops
To provide all participants the opportunity to benefit from workshops, ForestGEO is dedicated to a positive, safe, and harassment-free experience in which diverse participants may learn, network, and enjoy the company of colleagues in an environment of mutual respect. We recognize a shared responsibility to build that environment for the benefit of all.
Expected, professional behavior:
- Treating everyone with respect and consideration
- Communicating openly and thoughtfully with others and being considerate of the multitude of views and opinions that are different than your own
- Creating a supportive environment to enable scientific discourse
Unacceptable behavior includes:
- Harassment and intimidation, including any verbal, written, or physical conduct designed to threaten, intimidate, or coerce another participant
- Inappropriate physical contact or unwanted sexual attention
- Discrimination based on gender or gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, physical appearance, race, religion, nationality, or culture
- Disrespectful disruption of presentations
All participants are expected to observe these rules in all workshop venues, including online venues and social events. Violations of these rules should be reported to ForestGEO Director, Stuart Davies or ForestGEO Program Manager, Lauren Krizel. Consequences may range from verbal warning to dismissal from the workshop. Retaliation for complaints of inappropriate conduct will not be tolerated.