2025 ForestGEO Workshop - Call for Proposals
We are pleased to announce that the 2025 annual ForestGEO Analytical Workshop will be held in Nanyuki, Kenya, co-hosted by the Mpala Research Centre, the National Museums of Kenya, and the Karatina University. The workshop will be held from July 14 - 29, 2025.
During the workshop we will work in small groups focused on specific research topics. Past topics have included: demography, biomass/carbon stocks and fluxes, spatial pattern analysis, phenology and seed/seedling ecology, and eco-evolutionary studies. This year, one breakout group will focus on tropical tree mortality as part of the NSF-funded Accelnet project, Alliance for Tropical Forest Science (ATFS), and one breakout group will focus on the biomass estimation using the combination of airborne and terrestrial Lidar, and plot data as part of the GEO-TREES initiative. Applications outside of these areas will be considered if the work is strongly tied to ForestGEO sites and data (see below).
All interested participants must send a short (≤ 2 page) description of their proposed project, and 2-page CV, to Lauren Krizel, ForestGEO Program Manager (krizell@si.edu) by 18 February 2025.
All proposals must use ForestGEO plot data as a core part of their research plan OR be involved in the ATFS Mortality or GEO-TREES biomass projects. Applicants do not need to be associated with a site prior to applying, but each applicant will need to contact a site PI prior to submitting a proposal and include correspondence with the PI in the application (correspondence can be included in addition to the 3-page limit).
Applications will be reviewed based on novelty of research plan, data availability, strength of project hypotheses, and alignment with workshop topics. Proposals must indicate the specific research topic for their application. Only applicants who are available to stay for the entire 2-week duration of the workshop will be considered.
No joint proposals will be considered. If a proposal includes two applicants, only one person may be considered to attend the workshop.
As in past workshops, we encourage applications from a diversity of participants from different backgrounds, geographies, and career statuses. Please encourage your students, postdocs, and plot colleagues to apply. ForestGEO will cover the costs of participation for successful applications. However, due to funding limitations, we will not be able to accept all meritorious applications.
Please contact Lauren Krizel (krizell@si.edu) or Stuart Davies (daviess@si.edu) with any questions, and Daniel Zuleta (dfzuleta@gmail.com) for questions regarding the mortality working group.