The 25 ha dahurian larch forest plot is representative of typical cold temperate zonal vegetation in theDaxing’anling region,. The plot was established in 2011 and is located on the northern slope of the Yilehuli mountains, with the geographical coordinates 51.82°N,122.98°E. The mean elevation is 897 m, with a gentle difference of altitude of 16.6 m. The mean annual temperature is -4℃, mean annual precipitation 458.3 mm, mean annual relative humidity 71%, and mean annual evaporation 911 mm.
The plot has a relatively simple community composition, with Larix gmelinii as the dominant species. There are four main community types representing common vegetation landscape characteristics, including: moss - Larix gmelinii forest, herbage - Larix gmelinii forest, Ledum palustre - Larix gmelinii forest, and Rhododendron dauricum- Larix gmelinii forest.
Total number of individuals with DBH ≥1 cm was 209,785 recorded in the plot, belonging to 18 woody species (4 tree species, 14 shrub species), belonging to 12 genera and 6 families. The maximum DBH in the plot was 52 cm, the mean DBH and basal area were 3.87 cm and 20.93 m2/ha, respectively.
Principal Investigator: Ni Hongwei, professor of Institute of Natural Resources, Heilongjiang Academy of Sciences. His research interests focus on wetland ecology, biodiversity, restoration ecology, population ecology, vegetation ecology, global change, nature conservation.
Research Team: Zhu Daoguang, Cui Fuxing, Chai Chunrong, Li Jinbo
Longitude: 122.998000000000