If you are interested in using data from Scotty Creek, please read the Terms & Conditions prior to submitting your Data Request Form.
Data Request: All requests for Scotty Creek FDP data must be in writing. Requests should include the name and institution of the principal investigator that is requesting data, the names and institutions of collaborating investigators, the topic and scope of the research, a timeline for the research, and the target publications. Prospective investigators should resubmit applications for each substantially different project.
Non-transferability: Access to Scotty Creek FDP data is granted only to the specific people requesting data only for the purpose originally requested and for the time period originally requested. Redistributing or sharing data with anyone not included on the application is not allowed.
Limitations to Use: Some journals (e.g., Ecological Monographs, PLOS ONE) now require that all source data be archived in a publically available repository. We will only allow archiving of data at a journal website if we have already publically released the data.
Citation: Publications using the Scotty Creek FDP data should include the citation to the plot-establishment paper (Baltzer et al., in preparation).
Copies of articles: The Principal Investigator reserves the right to be included as a co-author on publications or presentations produced from research conducted in the Scotty Creek FDP or using Scotty Creek FDP data. Prior to submission, manuscripts and reports should be sent to the Principal Investigator for review. Once published, copies of all publications and reports should be sent to the Principal Investigator. Upon publication, a PDF copy of (or a link to) the article should also be sent to forestgeo@si.edu.
Data Citation: Any publication that uses Scotty Creek data should state the specific version number of the data set used for analysis. This version number will be provided after the data request has been approved.
Acknowledgements: Publications should include an acknowledgement of the support of the Canada Foundation for Innovation, Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation Early Researcher Fund, the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council and the Government of the Northwest Territories – Wilfrid Laurier University Partnership Agreement.
Research Policies: We welcome proposals to collect new data within the Scotty Creek FDP. The Principal Investigator and the PI of the Scotty Creek Research Station must approve any fieldwork. Destructive sampling and manipulative research is not allowed within the main portion of the Scotty Creek FDP and any manipulative experiment must be discussed in detail with the Principal Investigator.
Find the request form for Scotty Creek's tree data here.