If you are interested in using data from Ordway Swisher, please read the Terms & Conditions prior to submitting your Data Request Form.
Data Request: A "Data Request Form" must be completed to access the Ordway Swisher Forest Dynamics Plot (OSFDP) data. This form requires that the applicant agree to comply with "Terms and Conditions" for the use of OSFDP data as described here. Proposals from undergraduate or graduate students requesting data or site access should be endorsed by and submitted through the student’s academic advisor.
Non-transferability: Prospective investigators are not permitted to share the OSFDP data with other parties not included on the Data Request Form.
Citation: Any publication that uses OSFDP data should include the following citation:
Daniel J. Johnson, Lukas Magee, Karun Pandit, Jacqueline Bourdon, Eben N. Broadbent, Kaylyn Glenn, Youssef Kaddoura, Siddarth Machado, Joseph Nieves, Benjamin E. Wilkinson, Angelica M. Almeyda Zambrano, Stephanie A. Bohlman, Canopy tree density and species influence tree regeneration patterns and woody species diversity in a longleaf pine forest, Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 490, 2021, 119082, ISSN 0378-1127, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119082
Copies of articles: Copies of manuscripts should be sent to PI Dan Johnson (johnson.daniel@ufl.edu) prior to submission for publication. Once published, the PDF and any supplementary documents should be sent to PI Johnson. Upon publication, a PDF copy of (or a link to) the article should also be sent to forestgeo@si.edu.
Limitation of Use: Prospective investigators are not permitted to use the OSFDP data for projects or analyses other than those explicitly described in the Data Request Form. A new Data Request Form must be submitted for any new use of the data. Prospective investigators are also not permitted to sell the data or use them in any way for commercial gain. Data may not be uploaded to any web site or journal archive.
Data Citation: Any publication that uses OSFDP data should state the specific version number of the data set used for analysis. This version number will be provided after the data request has been approved.
Authorship: Maintaining the OSFDP requires enormous field effort and an ongoing financial commitment. We therefore request that the Principal Investigators be included as co-authors on publications produced from research conducted in the OSFDP or using OSFDP data in exchange for providing local expert knowledge and constructive feedback.
Acknowledgements: All publications that include the OSFDP plot data must acknowledge the institutions and funding that enabled the establishment of the plot with the following acknowledgement:
"The Ordway Swisher Forest Dynamics Plot (OSFDP) is supported by the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS). Funding was provided by the IFAS Ordway Swisher Jumpstart Award. Support was provided by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture McIntire-Stennis projects1007080 and 1018790. We thank the Ordway Swisher Biological Station staff for providing logistical support, and many students and researchers that have contributed to the project. The OSFDP is part of the Forest Global Earth Observatory (ForestGEO), a global network of large-scale forest dynamics plots."
Find the request form for Ordway Swisher's tree data here.