Grassy meadow in the foreground which leads to the edge of a burning forest. Smoky sky.



Personnel and Collaborators

We thank members of the Landscape Ecology lab field crew for carefully and persistently collecting census data!

  • Census 1 (2022): Tanner Warren, Andy Whelan, Chaella Ivey, Brianna Mackey, Zach MacClure, Evan Quigley, Will Walden, Emma Gwyn, and Amber Johnson
  • Crown scorch surveys (2023): Dr. Nicole Zampieri, Dr. Morgan Varner, Emma Gwyn, Amber Johnson, Tanner Warren, Joe Noble, George Jensen, Erin Wachter, Dr. Timothy Shearman
  • Dendroecology surveys (2023): Dr. Nicole Zampieri, Amber Johnson, John-Michael Boyd, Emma Gwyn, Tanner Warren, Andy Whelan
A group of people stand in a smoky forest, smiling at the camera

Researchers, conservation staff, and students from the Jones Center at Ichauway, Tall Timbers Research Station, and Auburn University amidst the inaugural prescribed burn at the Ichauway Forest Dynamics Plot (Feb 2022)

A man stands next to a tall tree in a forest

Andy Whelan prepares to measure the diameter of tree #00001, a 10.8 cm diameter and 10.9 m tall longleaf pine (P. palustris).

four people stand in a forest between two large trees, smiling

First Ichauway Forest Dynamics Plot field crew: Emma Gwyn, Amber Johnson, Tanner Warren, and Zach McClure.

A woman in sunglasses smiles in a selfie with a tall tree, blue sky in background

Dr. Nicole Zampieri poses with the first “old timer” recorded during dendroecological surveys, tree #07700—a ~160-year old longleaf pine that is 40.9 cm diameter and 19.3 m tall.