ForestGEO’s monthly Virtual Seminar Series is one way we stay in touch with our network & share the community’s research. It is a crucial part of accomplishing ForestGEO’s mission of collaboration & strengthening science capacity.
Our speaker schedule for 2025 is wide open!
Have you recently authored a publication or given a presentation about your ForestGEO research? We’d love to hear from you!
Reach out now to get involved in our Seminar Series by emailing Bella Valli.
Speaking at the Seminar Series consists of a 20-25 minute presenation, followed by 5-10 minutes of Q&A. If you'd like examples, please review our list of past seminars. Feel free to include requests for recordings of past seminars in your email.
In your email, please include:
- Your name & affiliation
- A brief description of your research/presentation topic
- Relevant ForestGEO plots in your research
- Multiple dates* you would be able to present
- If you'd like to request recordings of any past seminars as examples
- Feel free to add any other relevant information you'd like to share.
*ForestGEO's Seminar Series occurs on the 3rd Wednesday of each month (i.e. March 19, 2025, April 16, 2025, May 21, 2025 and so on)