Tree species diversity of a 20-ha plot in a tropical seasonal rainforest in Xishuangbanna, southwest China
We censused all free-standing trees ≥1 cm diameter at breast height (dbh) in a 20-ha plot established in a tropical seasonal rainforest in Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve, southwest China. A total of 95,834 free-standing trees ≥1 cm dbh were recorded, and 95,498 individuals (accounting for 99.65% of the total), including 468 morphospecies in 213 genera and 70 families, were identified. Thirteen of 468 species (2.78%) had more than 1,000 individual ≥1 cm dbh, which represented 56.36% individuals of the total. On the other hand, 230 of 468 species (49.14%) had a mean density of ≤1 tree per ha, and 69 of 468 species (14.74%) were singletons in the 20-ha plot. The mean species richness, density and basal area per ha were 216.50 species, 4,791.70 stems and 42.34 m2, respectively. Pittosporopsis kerrii (20,918 stems, ≥1 cm dbh) of Icacinaceae and Parashorea chinensis (7,919 stems, ≥1 cm dbh) of Dipterocarpaceae were the two most abundant species dominating the emergent layer and treelet layer, respectively. Compared with other 50-ha plots established in other equatorial regions, tree species richness per ha and tree abundance per ha of the plot were at the moderate level.