tree tag in Andrews forest dynamics plot



Field Crew

Many thanks to the field crew members of the Andrews plot: 

Maggie Ross (2019)
Aaron Nelson (2019)
Adam Milenkowic (2019-2020)
Matthew Reala (2019-2021)
Madison Sutton (2019)
Ethan Torres (2019-2022)
Emily Dewald-Wang (2019)
Liam Engel (2019)
Adam Carson (2019)
Reed Pechtimaldjian (2019)
Connor Adams (2020)
Alaina Makowski (2021)
Monica Mogilewsky (2021)
Megan Spina (2021)
Katelin Kutela (2022)
Lindsay Villano (2022)
Bryn Callie (2022)
Olivia Wilborn-Pilotte (2022)
Arianna Drechsler (2022)
Joelle Worthley (2022)

Andrews FDP 2019 field crew. Top row, left to right: Matt Reala, Maggie Ross, Maddie Sutton, Ethan Torres, Adam Milenkowic, Aaron Nelson, Adam Carson. Bottom row, left to right: Emily Dewald-Wang, Liam Engel, Joe LaManna. Photo credit: Lina DiGregorio
Ethan Torres measuring a Thuja plicata seedling in a understory plot within
one of the low-elevation Andrews Forest Dynamics plots. Photo credit: Lina DiGregorio
Emily Dewald-Wang and Joe LaManna measuring a large Pseudotsuga menziesii tree at one of the mid-elevation Andrews Forest Dynamics plots. Photo credit: Lina DiGregorio
Adam Milenkowic aiming and adjusting one of our total stations, surveying equipment used to map each stem within the Andrews Forest Dynamics plots. Photo credit: Lina DiGregorio