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CTFS - ForestGEO session at 100th-annual ESA meeting in Baltimore, MD

CTFS – ForestGEO recently hosted a session on Dimensions of Forest Diversity at the 100th annual Ecological Society of America (ESA) meeting in Baltimore, MD. Scientists presented some of the latest research coming out of the annual Dimensions of Biodiversity workshop between CTFS – ForestGEO and the Chinese Forest Biodiversity Monitoring Network. Thank you to all of the speakers and guests that attended!

The session began with an introduction by Stuart Davies, the Director of CTFS-ForestGEO, followed by ten presentations by CTFS - ForestGEO researchers. The session focused on the functional, phylogenetic, and genetic dimensions of forest diversity and change. Specifically, the presenters discussed how forests face multiple pressures from shifts in temperature and precipitation to deforestation and degradation associated with global climate change. For example, Andy Jones, Assistant Professor at Oregon State University, discussed species’ genetic responses to seasonal droughts in tropical forests and how results can inform future changes we face with upcoming El Niño events.

Stuart J. Davies, the Director of CTFS – ForestGEO, introducing the session. Photo by Maofang Luo.
Lei Chen, The cumulative effect of phylogenetic relatedness on the assembly of forest tree neighborhoods. Photo by Maofang Luo.
Yanjun Du, Intraspecific and phylogenetic density-dependent recruitment in a subtropical evergreen forest. Photo by Maofang Luo.
A poster session followed suit in the exhibit hall that included a poster by Kristina Anderson-Teixeira, leader of the Ecosystems and Climate Initiative, about global change effects on forests worldwide. If you attended ESA, we hope you had a chance to stop by our ForestGEO and MarineGEO exhibitor table! 

Kristin Powell (ForestGEO; left) and Maria Murray (MarineGEO; right) at the Smithsonian Global Earth Observatories exhibitor table.

The day ended with a final rendezvous at a local restaurant in Baltimore that celebrated the success of the session with CTFS – ForestGEO researchers and affiliates. Another big thank you to everyone who participated and attended. CTFS - ForestGEO looks forward to future sessions at ESA!