Seminar Series: Past Speakers


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Seminars are recorded and available upon request* (

*Zoom recordings are automatically deleted after 15 months and will be unavailable after that period



  • Jon Henn: Metabolomic and morphological trait diversity display contrasting patterns in temperate forest tree communities


  • Krishna Anujan: Sensitivity of tree growth to precipitation in seasonally dry tropical forests using long-term dendrometer band measurements


DECEMBER - no Seminar Series


  • Kelvin Acebron: Scaling photosynthesis from a leaf to a tropical forest


  • Jose Medina: Nutrients and light co-limit carbon sequestration potential in lowland tropical forests


  • David Kenfack: Vouchering and morphospecies identification in large census plots
  • L. McKinley Nevins: Investigating the drivers of tree-associated mycorrhizal fungal communities in the northwestern US

AUGUST - no Seminar Series


  • Michael Kalyuzhny: Widespread spatial repulsion between conspecific adults: signature of stabilizing density dependence
  • Robert Ang'ila: Fine-scale variation in soil and topography influences herbaceous vegetation and the distribution of large mammalian herbivores


  • Sean McMahon: Assessing the role of rare tree species in forests dynamics
  • Luca Morreale: Nuisance species compromise carbon sequestration potential in an Eastern US temperate deciduous forest

MAY - no Seminar Series


  • Juan Francisco Herrera Cueva: Diversity of Seeds Dispersed by Understory Birds of the Amazon Rain Forest of Yasuní


  • Eleanor Jackson: Conspecific density and the reproductive ecology of trees


Paint Rock Forest Dynamics Plot: the ForestGEO plot in the Southern Cumberland Plateau, USA

  • Patience Knight:  Part I -- Background & Introduction
  • Helen Czech: Part II -- Results & Future Studies 


  • Jeffery Cannon & Nicole Zampieri: Disturbance ecology of longleaf pine - New disturbance studies in the Ichauway Forest Dynamics Plot 


DECEMBER - no Seminar Series 


  • Claire Fortunel: Abiotic and biotic drivers of tree dynamics
  • Stuart Davies: GEO-TREES: Building a biomass reference system for the world’s forests

OCTOBER - no Seminar Series


  • Duncan Kimuyu: Edaphic factors and herbivory as determinants of beta diversity of trees in Mpala ForestGEO plot 


  • Uzay Sezen: Comparative transcriptomics of tropical woody plants supports leaf economic spectrum traits among lianas

JULY - no Seminar Series 


  • Jessie Needham: Forest carbon cycle insights from field and model collaborations
  • Fanhua Kong: Pioneer tree species accumulate higher neighbourhood diversity than late-successional species in a subtropical forest


  • Sofía Montalvo: Devil's gardens in Yasuní forest: A fascinating interaction between ants and trees
  • Patrick Baker: Starvation Creek FDP: The first Australian plot in the ForestGEO network


  • Luisa Gomez Correa: Influence of crown exposure to sunlight, tree growth and species wood density in the mortality of canopy trees at the Amacayacu plot
  • Wirong Chanthorn: "Community assembly and functional traits of trees and lianas in a Southeast Asian Seasonal Forest"

MARCH - no Seminar Series


  • Cynthia Wright: Contrasting transpiration responses lead to unequal contributions to evapotranspiration in the Caatinga dry forest  


  • German Vargas G.: Understanding the distribution of drought tolerance in tropical forests
  • Justin Mathias: Differential isotope-inferred leaf gas exchange strategies explain responses of Quercus rubra and Liriodendron tulipifera intrinsic water use efficiency to air pollution and climate change


DECEMBER - no Seminar Series


  • Maria Uriarte: Synergistic effects of droughts and hurricanes in Puerto Rican forests
  • Joseph LaManna: Species interactions across abiotic gradients: An introduction to the Andrews Forest Dynamics Plots


  • Ines Münchinger: "Thermal tolerance of temperate tree species depends on their drought resistance traits"
  • Lukas Magee (he/him): "Interplay of oak density, light availability, and fire in the success of longleaf pine regeneration"


  • Kamil Král (Blue Cat Research Team): "Canopy Space Occupancy and Tree Species Canopy Niches in European Old-Growth Forests"


  • Susan Cordell: "Does Multi-Stemmed Habit in Trees Contribute to Resilience in Tropical Dry Forest?"
  • Soren Struckman: "How fire is changing the Yosemite Forest Dynamics Plot"

JULY - no Seminar Series


  • José A. Medina-Vega: "The distribution of ectomycorrhizal tree symbionts in lowland tropical forests"


  • Jim Dalling: "Introducing the Trelease Woods Forest Dynamics: A century of ecological research in an Illinois deciduous forest"

APRIL - no Seminar Series


  • Vanessa Rubio (she/her): "Functional groups, determinism and the dynamics of a tropical forest"
  • Albert Y. Kim (he/him): "Using GitHub Actions continuous integration to automate quality assurance and control of ecological data


  • Helene Muller-Landau: "Interspecific variation in tree-liana interactions and the implications for forest dynamics"
  • Marcel Vaz: "Poor soils, rich forest: How leaf nutrients can mediate niche partitioning in the Central Amazon"


  • Warren Brockelman: "Some research findings from the Mo Singto Plot: Why are there so few species of trees?"
  • Cameron Dow: "Warmer spring temperatures in temperate deciduous forests advance the timing of tree growth but have little effect on annual woody productivity"



  • Iveren Abiem: "To what extent do factors influencing species trajectories in lowland tropical forests apply to Afromontane counterparts?"
  • Nidhi Vinod: "Thermal sensitivity across forest vertical profiles: patterns, mechanisms, and ecological implications - a review"


  • Adam Martin: "Patterns and (Serious) Impacts of Beech Bark Disease in an Unmanaged Temperate Forest"
  • Brian Enquist: "An Introduction to the San Emilio Forest Dynamics Plot: Assessing the drivers underlying four decades of change in a neotropical seasonally dry forest"


  •  Special Format: A conversation between Stuart Davies, Steve Hubbell, and Peter Ashton on the history and future directions of ForestGEO


  • Melina de Souza Leite: "The dominant role of taxonomy in global forests: Disentangling the major contributions to tree demography"
  • Pavel Samonil: "Tree mortality may drive landscape formation: comparative study from ten temperate forests"


  • Yu-Yun Chen: "Does masting matter? Fate of seedlings in a general flowering forest"
  • Xugao Wang: "How mycorrhizal associations influence diversity-biomass relationships among forests"


  • Lisa Hülsmann: "Is there a latitudinal gradient in CNDD? Evidence from a new cross-site analysis based on tree mortality"
  • Yves Basset: "ForestGEO Arthropod Initiative"


  • Yuanzhi Li: "Are higher-order interactions prevalent in forests? An empirical test"
  • Jenn Baltzer: "Permafrost thaw as a driver of species turnover and forest productivity change in a boreal peatland"

MAY - Lightning Talk Edition

  • Kasia Ziemińska ON wood anatomy after a hurricane
  • Nia Perron ON boreal peatland transpiration change
  • Ben Kopania ON quantifying tropical branch turnover
  • Andrea Drager ON Korup's understory floral visitors
  • Bier Kraichak ON allometry for tropical seedlings


  • Monique Weemstra: "Roots and leaves modulate each other’s effects on tree growth"
  • Ryan Mushinski: "Using mycorrhizal categories to better define soil nitrogen cycling in temperate forests"


  • Evan Gora: "Lightning in tropical forests: ecological effects and contributions to forest dynamics"
  • Luiza Aparecido & Benjamin Blonder: "Does leaf venation reticulation provide damage resistance or resilience to herbivory?"


  • Chris Wills: "Interactions Between All Pairs of Neighboring Trees in 16 Forests Worldwide: Ecological Processes and Evolutionary Histories"
  • Kristina Anderson-Teixeira: "Using tree-ring records to simultaneously characterize the influence of climate, tree size, and slowly changing environmental drivers on annual growth"


  • Bailey McNichol: "Topographic niches of woody species at a biogeographic crossroads in the Midwestern USA"
  • Moses Libalah: "Interspecific demographic variation among growth-forms of tropical rainforests trees"



  • Jess Zimmerman: "Luquillo FDP: Update with any eye on drought"
  • KC Cushman: "Insights into tropical forest gap dynamics from repeat drone photogrammetry"


  • Matthew Luskin: "Large wildlife as an important source of conspecific negative density dependence in tree recruitment in ForestGEO plots"
  • Elsa Ordway: "Capturing variation in tropical forest structure and function in an Ecosystem Demography model"


  • David Burslem: "Role of soil fungal networks in the maintenance of tree species richness of tropical and subtropical forests"
  • Daniel Zuleta: "Patterns and modes of tropical tree mortality"


  • Camille Piponiot: "Size-related carbon dynamics in ForestGEO sites"
  • Dan Johnson: "Longleaf pine forest dynamics: low richness – complex coexistence"