
浙江古田山不同森林类型两栖动物群落结构比较 / Comparisons of amphibian communities in different types of forests in Gutianshan National Nature Reserve of Zhejiang

Amphibians were surveyed by encounter or song methods in Gutianshan National Nature Reserve of Zhejiang from July to August 2014 and 2015. A total of 709 individuals from 13 species belonging to two orders six families and 12 genera were recorded in eight quadrats of broad-leaved forests, Pinus massoniana forests,Chinese fir forests and Camellia oleifera woods each. Amolops ricketti was the dominant species and followed by Megophrys boettgeri and Odorrana schmackeri. The components of communities were different,but the differences in number of individuals and number of species were not significant (P 0. 05). The Shannon Wiener diversity index, Simpson dominance index and Pielou evenness index in broad-leaved forests and Chinese fir forests were higher than the other two types of forests. The richness index of Margalef was the highest in Chinese fir forests and followed by Pinus massoniana forests. The indexes of similarity in amphibian community between different types of forests were 0. 667 ~ 0. 987,and the most similar in amphibian communities between Chinese fir forests and Camellia oleifera woods (Morisita-Horn similarity coefficient, 0. 987). Different amphibian species selected different habitat, the distributed differences among amphibians might be related to the stream distribution,the types of food availability and the relationships between competitors, but not related to types of forests.

Abstract in English, article in Chinese

陈声文, 钱海源, 王宇, 泮琦斌, 吴驰星, 邵晨 / S. Chen, H. Qian, Y. Wang, Q. Pan, C. Wu, & C. Shao
浙江师范大学学报(自然科学版) / Journal of Zhejiang Normal University (Natural Sciences)